Come, Join the VT Board!

The Vesalius Trust needs to fill a few seats that current trustees will be vacating this coming February 2022. Our objective is to enlist people who are willing to donate a bit of their time and talents to further our profession by helping us fulfill our mission, which is to provide leadership for the advancement of education and research in visual communication for the health sciences.

Potential candidates do not have to be AMI members, but it helps if they are interested in our cause and know a little bit about our field of work. We are looking for individuals who might have skills in the areas of fundraising, social media, financial expertise, design, etc.

BUT having those types of skills is not a requirement. We welcome anyone all levels: from recent grads with great ideas and lots of energy to more “seasoned” types with life experience who can offer sage and strategic, practical and operational advice.

Please include a short bio and/or brief statement as to why your choice(s) would make good candidates.

Thank you for considering being a part of helping future visual communicators realize their potential.

We wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!