The Vesalius Trust-a-thon proudly presents
Jason Sharpe (Captain), Joyce Hui, Chelsea Canlas, David Tran, Matthew Ostil, Nati Chen, Lucas Lin
Abode: Climate Crusader
Abode is a game about the small steps you can take to live more sustainably at home.
Climate change got you down? Feeling like the world is doomed and there’s little you can do about it? Well turn that frown upside down! We’re here to show you a sustainable path forward, with Abode, the game of home improvement for the planet. Explore each room to discover everyday items and activities that contribute to climate change and the simple changes you can make to lower their impact. Have fun and feel better about the role you can play in fighting climate change from the comfort of your humble abode.
Check out our prototype here!
*Best played on Chrome, for desktop only
Connect with the team!
Instagram and Twitter (@axs_studio)

About the Team
Team KICK AXS are also members of AXS Studio – a team of medical writers, certified medical illustrators, scientifically-trained animators, interactive developers, designers and producers. Together, we create visual experiences to tell science stories and make meaningful impact.

September 18, 2021
Our team brainstormed ideas individually, then ideated together to find common topics and game mechanics we wanted to try based on the theme “A Path Forward”. Our ideas ranged from an endless runner game where you play as a nanobot travelling the bloodstream to seeing how food travels through the digestive system 💩. After evaluating ideas for feasibility and how fun they would be to create, we ended up with two top ideas: a beach cleanup game and a game about reducing your carbon footprint at home. We mapped out the user journey for both games. Ultimately, we decided to go for the second idea!

Content development and game design
With our winning idea in mind, we began designing the game and developing content. After diving into some research and referring to organizations that work to find and share solutions to the climate crisis, we mapped out the interactions in our main character’s home.

It’s time to build a home! Here’s a sneak peek of a few models we’ve created.

September 20, 2021
Some interaction ✨! And more modelling 🏡
Dev wizards, Matt and David have brought our ideas to life! User-controlled camera movement is in the house!

September 21, 2021
Colors are in!
Joyce, our team’s art director extraordinaire, just painted life into our home 💚 ! Matt and David continue to build models, while Nati and Chelsea wrap up the onscreen content. We’re getting close! Plus, bonus appearance by our bunny friend!

September 22, 2021
Time to start 2D assets and UI
Now that we’ve built a prototype with the game components, time to refine UI elements and start creation of 2D assets. Each eco-task will be illustrated in 2D and accompanied by content developed earlier this week. On the 3D end, Matt lined up and organized ALL the 3D assets just for fun 🙃. And our bunny friend, BUNBUN is aliiive!