The Vesalius Trust-a-thon proudly presents

Team Leave it to BVIS

Riley Cutler, Hayley D’Alessandro, Krystal-Flora Dureke, Susie Hammons, Katherine Khuu, Natalie McAfee, and Jasmine Tsin

Neurohero: A Journey to Regeneration

Meet Nexus, a fibroblast, living in Armlandia, a region of  the Peripheral Nervous System. Play Neurohero to help Nexus guide axon regeneration after a 3rd degree neurotmesis injury!  

Neurohero aims to empower players and bridge the gap caused by Neurophobia. It does this through engagement with a novel combination of illustrated comics and a serious game. The game attempts to dismantle Neurophobia via scaffolded content on both the cellular physiology and clinical applications behind neural regeneration after an injury. Neurohero depicts a 3rd degree neurotmesis, but acts as proof of concept for application toward a wide variety of neural injuries.

Check out the prototype below!

Neurohero game menu
Neurohero game still

Process Work

Neurohero comic sketch
Neurohero sprite sheet
Neurohero colored sprite sheet
Neurohero comic art
Neurohero wireframes
Neurohero level design
Neurohero visual assets
Neurohero background art

About the Team

Team Leave it to BVIS