The Vesalius Trust-a-thon proudly presents
Team The Gerbils
Stephen Nachtsheim, Amy Jiao, Avila Sanchez, Joshua Ke, Vanessa Nguyen
Bridging Evolution
Bridging Evolution is a poster series about transitional fossils found throughout history. From the origin of whales to the connection between humans and apes, this poster series highlights important fossils that bridge the gap between two groups of organisms. Each poster is a portal to a pivotal chapter in the evolutionary saga. Featuring the Archaeopteryx, Australopithecus, Pakicetus, and Tiktaalik, Bridging Evolution is illustrated in a monochromatic style and contains accurate, interesting educational content intended for general audiences interested in science and archaeology. Bridging Evolution celebrates these transitional fossils, the key to deciphering the intricate tapestry of life’s evolution on our planet.
About the Team