Vesalius Trust Poster Symposium

Submission Instructions

Entry Requirements

Poster presentation of research is an opportunity open to all 2020–2021 applicants to the Vesalius Trust Scholarship Program. You do not have to have received a VT scholarship or grant to take part.

Submission Requirements

In lieu of an in-person symposium this year, participants will be asked to prepare a poster in PDF format to be posted on the Vesalius Trust website and AMI’s 2021 meeting website. Participants will also need to be available during the 2021 AMI Conference on Wednesday, July 28th from 1:15pm to 2:15 pm, ECT to discuss their research with other AMI members in a private Zoom-like conference room. The submission deadline is Saturday, July 3, 2021 at 5:00 pm EST.

Only one poster PDF entry will be allowed per participant. Once a participant’s entry is submitted to the VT Poster Committee, it cannot be modified even if provided in advance of the submission deadline. 

By submitting a poster to the Vesalius Trust Poster Symposium, participants certify that the research is their original work; or original work conducted by the participant and other authors, and any co-authors are appropriately credited for their contribution and have been informed of the submission.

If you are interested in participating, please contact: Joy Marlowe at or Laura Garrison at You will be invited to a shared DropBox where you can submit your poster and presentation. Materials including the poster and video template may be downloaded here.

Click the links below for submission details:


The VT Poster Symposium Committee has prepared an Adobe Illustrator poster template for your use, although you may feel free to create your own unique poster design, in horizontal or vertical format, provided that you include the required content as detailed below.

Your poster can also be prepared in InDesign or other similar software. Please upload a screen resolution PDF of the poster to the shared DropBox using the following naming convention: <Lastname_VTposter.pdf>

Poster Content

Be concise with written material. Do not use the text of a paper as the poster text.

Present your research in the following sections.

  • Title: The title banner summarizes the research project as a whole with emphasis on the results. An author line follows to include the author/s and their affiliation/s. 
  • Abstract: The abstract conveys the main purpose, results, and conclusions of the research.
  • Introduction: This section briefly defines the research question and the motivation for the study. Relevant background information is provided as well as important findings discovered from other sources.
  • Materials and Methods: Concise description of materials used and the sequence of the research performed in answering the following question: What did the researcher do?  Clarify why your visual solution was used; how is the process that you chose related to your project’s purpose?  Why is it unique?  Storyboards and flowcharts may be included to add clarity in explaining the materials and methods used.
  • Results: Tables, graphs, illustrations, and photos organize and summarize data collected during research. Legends describe the figures and contribute to the understanding of the results.
  • Conclusions: The conclusions summarize the meaning and implications of the results. Focus on a central finding that lends itself to informal discussion. The author may include an evaluation of the effectiveness or limitations of the research method. Suggestions for future related research may also be included here.
  • References: A bibliography of references cited in the poster are listed.  
  • Acknowledgements: Acknowledge funding and support sources for your work. These can be institutional and/or named individuals. Please include the Vesalius Trust logo and acknowledge the Trust in this section.

Poster Suggestions

  • Fonts: Use fonts which are easy to read. Avoid script and serif fonts. Exercise unity when adding figure labels and use consistent font sizes within figures. Use consistent lettering or numbering system in your title banner, section headings, and figures.
  • Writing Style: Use AMA Style referencing. Make sure your referencing style is consistent throughout your poster.

Use the above requirements, suggestions, and “Judging Criteria” below to review your e-poster before submitting. If you have questions regarding your poster preparation, please contact: Joy Marlowe at or at 410-299-5204.

Judging Criteria

Posters will be judged using the following criteria:


  • Title banner is complete, accurate, and supports the results of the poster.
  • The Abstract conveys the main purpose, results and conclusions of the research.
  • The Introduction defines the research question and the reason for the study.
  • The Material and Methods concisely describe the materials used and the sequence of the research performed.
  • The Results organize and summarize and the data collected during research.
  • The Conclusions summarize the meaning and implications of the results.
  • The References are compiled and cited in the body of the poster.
  • The research presented is original, and has potential to spur discussion in the field of biomedical visualization
  • The poster contains no obvious factual, grammatical, or spelling errors.


  • Content is visually organized in a logical manner to facilitate rapid understanding.
  • Text and visual components complement and reinforce one another.
  • Overall poster design, title, and visuals support an attention-grabbing product for a poster symposium event.


  • Figures organize and summarize data collected during research.
  • Text and figure legends describe the figures and contribute to the understanding of the research results.
  • Key features in the figures are clearly labeled so the viewer can understand the figure at a glance.
  • Poster text appropriately references figures.


By participating in the Vesalius Trust e-Poster and Video Presentation, you will also qualify to have your poster published in the first edition of Journal of Biocommunications (JBC) of 2021.

The JBC requires that the author submit an abstract of 350 words or less and a high-resolution poster PDF.

The poster should be saved as an Adobe PDF document with “Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities” checked. This will allow the published abstract to be discoverable by PubMed Central. These published abstracts will be featured as an html page, with a click-to-enlarge feature, which will display the full poster PDF.

Please save your poster as a pdf with the following naming convention: <Lastname_JBCposter.pdf>

Please save your abstract as a .doc file with the following naming convention: <Lastname_JBCabstract.doc>

Email both the abstract and poster file by August 31st to:

Joy Marlowe at